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Donate today to support the LBBET乐博 Emergency Fund and help your fellow beauty industry colleagues during their greatest times of need. Every dollar raised gives back to LBBET乐博 Licensed Professional Members impacted by unforeseen challenges and emergencies that impact them and their business. The LBBET乐博 Emergency Fund is a program of the LBBET乐博 Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


Eligible emergency events can include (but are not limited to):
  • Medical diagnosis leaving the Member unable to work (i.e. broken arm, cancer diagnosis, etc.)
  • Unexpected death of spouse or child
  • House fire
  • Car accident
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Sponsorship Opportunities

The LBBET乐博 Emergency Fund sponsors help us give back to the community LBBET乐博 Licensed Professional Members by helping them during times of sickness, loss, and more. Multiple sponsorship packages are available to accommodate you and your organization.

Contact Rachel Molepske at 480.455.3453 or rachel@svztur.com to learn more about which sponsorship option is right for you.